Archive for September 2020
The Sudan Rowan Dream Continues
By Karen Puckett Sudan Rowan continues to thrive. Conceived at St. John’s thirteen year ago, this nonprofit 501(c)(3) continues to partner with various groups and organizations in order to maintain two schools serving 900 students from three South Sudanese villages. Sudan Rowan’s primary partner, Charlotte-based Mothering Across Continents, manages ground operations for both the Gumriak…
Read MoreCongratulations to Amber Lawson: North Carolina’s Outstanding Biology Teacher Award
By Susan Shinn Turner Congratulations to Amber Lawson, who recently received the National Association of Biology Teachers’ Outstanding Biology Teacher Award for the state of North Carolina. Lawson is in her 20th year of teaching at Salisbury High School, where she has taught biology for 17 years. She has a degree in biology from Meredith…
Read MoreLuke Brown Accepts Position as Principal at Moorseville High
By Susan Shinn Turner As principal of Salisbury High School since 2014, Luke Brown wasn’t looking for a new position. But then a friend told him that the principalship of Mooresville High School had come open, and, after talking with his wife, Elissa, he decided to apply. Now, Brown is principal of Mooresville High School,…
Read MoreG2G Phase 2 Project Status
By Mike Agee. G2G Building Chair We are all facing challenging times with the coronavirus. The completion of the construction plans for the G2G Phase 2 project has been impacted, but thankfully a lot of behind-the-scenes work has continued throughout the pandemic. Developing the construction plans requires the integration of mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering…
Read MoreG2G Phase 2 Pandemic Update
By Mark Lewis, chair, G2G Steering Team Greetings Brothers and Sisters. It has been a LOOONNNNGGG time since we last spoke about our G2G Phase 2 Campaign Results and Action Plan. As a refresher, let me tell you where we were in the campaign process when the lockdown began. We rolled out Phase 2 of…
Read MoreMid-Week Communion Service Begins
By Susan Shinn Turner Along with the 11 am livestream worship service and the 9:27 in-person worship, a third worship opportunity is now available at St. John’s. A mid-week communion service began on July 22. The 30-minute service takes place at 12:15 pm in the chapel, and is especially designed for older members. Strict guidelines…
Read MoreRemembering Pastor Doug Fritz
1927-2020 The Rev. Douglas Fritz, D.D., of Savannah, Ga., died July 28, 2020, at the age of 93. Pastor Fritz served St. John’s from Dec. 1, 1963 to Oct. 13, 1974, a tumultuous time in the life of the country. “Dad began at St. John’s the Sunday after Kennedy was assassinated,” remembers Robert, the oldest…
Read MoreBe Thou My Vision
Be Thou my vision, O Lord of my heart; Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art; Thou my best thought, by day or by night; Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light. (Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymn #793) By Rob Durocher, deacon Minister of Worship and the Arts Over a thousand years ago…
Read MoreWaves of Grief …And Love, Grace, and Peace
Sisters and Brothers, “Grief is like waves.” If you have heard me talk about death, you know that this is my motto. Grief is like waves in the ocean. It isn’t something you get over. It is something you learn to live with like waves in the ocean. They never stop coming in. Maybe the…
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