G2G Phase 2 Project Status
By Mike Agee. G2G Building Chair
We are all facing challenging times with the coronavirus. The completion of the construction plans for the G2G Phase 2 project has been impacted, but thankfully a lot of behind-the-scenes work has continued throughout the pandemic.
Developing the construction plans requires the integration of mechanical, electrical, and structural engineering with the design of the architects. Several groups and people are engaged in the process. The completion of these drawings is tentatively scheduled for the end of September.
We would then send the bid request package to selected general contractors for bids. The bid has been structured to allow the church flexibility in selecting bids based on budget. Based on priorities determine by the congregation, the base bid is focused on the kitchen, Fellowship Hall renovations, handicapped accessible restrooms on the lower level and core infrastructure such as HVAC unit replacement. Bid alternates will be for handicapped accessible restroom on the Sanctuary level, renovation of the music wing and renovations for the Child Development Center.
Due to the complexity of the project, the bidding companies would likely need four weeks to review and prepare responses. Once the bids are returned, a general contractor would be selected, and we would roll up our sleeves and begin the process of “Value Engineering” to bring the project into budget. By having a general contractor on board, we can have their input, along with the subcontractors, to look for changes that could help reduce the cost of the project if necessary. This is the same process we used on the Phase 1 project. When a final cost is developed, the general contractor would submit a contract and the congregation would vote on proceeding.
Base bid: Renovations to the first level of the sanctuary building (below):
- Open the entrance lobby to the Fellowship Hall
- Relocate and expand the commercial kitchen to the old archives area
- Add two handicapped accessible restrooms
- Renovate the old kitchen and stage area to become a new serving area
- Renovate the Fellowship Hall with new ceiling, flooring, sound/video system, and relocate the stage area to the Church Street side of the building.
- Create a small group dining/meeting area to accommodate up to 50 participants.
Infrastructure Renovation. As we approach the 100th anniversary of the sanctuary building in 2027, it’s no surprise that significant infrastructure has to be replaced. Electrical work has been done throughout the years, but the additional electrical loads will require some upfitting. Plumbing and waste lines will be replaced to accommodate the new restrooms and kitchen.
The design of the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) systems will allow the building to be better managed by heating and cooling only the areas that are in use. As we have shared in the past, all the HVAC units are well past end-of-life. The base bids will include replacing the HVAC units in the building so we can reduce the overall cost as a package price. We have recently lost one of the units providing service to the Sanctuary. The unit will have to be replaced before we have large groups in the Sanctuary during cooling periods. Although the new units will be far more energy efficient, the current codes require a certain amount of outside air to be mixed with inside air. This provides fresh air for inside spaces that is particularly important for health considerations. However, it requires conditioning the outside air so the electrical loads for the new units are not greatly reduced.
Additional Renovations. The ceiling in the Fellowship Hall will be replaced and raised approximately 9 inches. We will reuse the LED fixtures already installed. New flooring will be installed as well.
The small dining area has been reduced slightly with the addition of a closet. The square footage of the room had to be reduced or an outside door would have to be added to meet code. The seating still meets our original objective, but is limited to less than 50 people. We originally planned to install a grease interceptor that is currently required for commercial kitchens, but not church kitchens, in case future requirements change. Instead, we will provision for the future by installing the lines to a location adjoining Church street, but we will not install the grease interceptor at this time to reduce cost.
Alternate Bids:
Sanctuary/Music Wing
(Click Here to View)
Design Include:
- Adding handicapped accessible restrooms
- Music wing renovations
- Replace the damaged wooden floor in the front of the sanctuary
Depending on available funds:
- Replace carpeting in the sanctuary and narthex
- Replace the sanctuary sound system
Renovations to the CDC:
(Click Here to View)
Building 100 is the original section of the CDC and will be refreshed with paint, floor coverings, and cabinets will be refaced and/or replaced. Additional projects include:
- A toilet will be added to the pre-toddler room with half partitions
- The kitchen will be renovated and expanded to better meet the Center’s needs and allow for the storage and preparation of fresh, local food.
- The removal of a partition between two existing classrooms will create provide a multipurpose room and a therapy room.
Additional Comments
In preparation of the renovation of both buildings, a hazardous materials assessment has been conducted. The CDC has a small amount of asbestos in the old 100 building that will have to be removed prior to construction. Unfortunately, in the era when the Sanctuary building was constructed, asbestos was a common ingredient in many building materials. There are traces of asbestos and lead paint in most areas where construction will be done. The materials will have to be removed with a certified abatement company prior to construction.
Of note: the materials pose no health risk to anyone in the building unless the fibers become airborne.
“Can we do work while the building is shut down?”
Yes and no. We’d love to begin work while the building is not in use, particularly the Sanctuary, including the removal of carpet and a sound system that hangs 30’ above floor level. Although we’re doing our best to move quickly, two challenges are before us:
- This is a complex project that takes time to evaluate the building, prepare the construction plans, and complete the bidding process. It remains to be seen if we can complete all the behind-the-scenes work prior to the building’s return to “normal use.”
- While funding has been secured for the fellowship hall and kitchen projects, funding has not yet been secured to replace carpeting and the sound system. Once that funding is in place, we can move quickly to begin work replacing and installing new material.
We continue to appreciate all the members of our congregation who have helped develop the design and who continue to work toward moving this project forward.
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