Children’s Ministry
Meet Our New Nursery Workers: Kaley and Emily Almond
By Susan Shinn Turner Sisters Kaley and Emily Almond are new nursery workers for the 9:27 and 11 am services. After attending St. John’s for some time, Emily and Kaley joined St. John’s in August. Kaley has just started graduate school at Pfeiffer University, studying for a master’s in occupational therapy. Emily is a senior…
Read MoreIt’s time to FOCUS on VBS!
By Susan Shinn Turner It’s time to focus on Vacation Bible School at St. John’s! “In thinking about what would be the safest way to get back for Bible school, we decided on a three-day VBS, dividing up age groups,” says Stacey Shafer, children’s minister. VBS for 3- and 4-year-olds and kindergartners and first graders…
Read MoreFirst Look “Bloom” Fundraiser: Help us revamp the First Look space this May
By Susan Shinn Turner For the First Look children at St. John’s ages birth to 4, it’s time to Bloom! Bloom is a fundraiser to revamp the First Look area, according to Stacey Shafer, children’s minister. The Epic classroom for third- to fifth-graders and the First Look area will switch spaces. “Because of the numbers…
Read MoreSimply Christmas: Youth to receive Chrismons on Dec. 22 at drive-through event
By Susan Shinn Turner Children and youth at St. John’s will celebrate a simple Christmas this year. Simply Christmas and Chrismons is set for 5:30 to 7:30 pm Tuesday, Dec. 22. Families can enter the campus through the Jackson Street entrance to receive a fun bag, then drive around to the upper level to receive…
Read MoreGet ready for a ‘Wild and Amazing’ VBS!
Wherever you lead me, I’m gonna follow I’m trusting you, God, you are good! Life will get crazy, wild and amazing, I’m trusting you, God, you are good! By Susan Shinn Turner Are you ready for a wild adventure this summer? Then send your kids to Roar! VBS, where Life is Wild and God is…
Read MoreRegister for Hands and Feet Camp!
By Susan Shinn Turner Hands and Feet Camp is July 8-11 at St. John’s. This servant day camp for rising third- through fifth-graders will take place 9 am-3:30 pm daily. The high school volunteers who are leading the camp have just finished up the schedule, which will include two service projects each day at local…
Read MoreAll Things Bright and Beautiful
All things bright and beautiful All creatures great and small All things wise and wonderful The Lord God made them all. By Susan Shinn Turner The music department of St. John’s will host “All Things Bright and Beautiful,” a free music and arts camp, from July 29-Aug. 2 from 9 am to noon, for rising…
Read MoreHey kids: Sign up now for Summer Camps!
By Angel Owens Now is the time to sign up for Summer Camps at St. John’s and our Lutheran Partners! During the Summer, we take a break from our Wednesday programming, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of Christ-centered, fun activities for our Kingdom Kids! This Summer, we are offering 3 different individual day…
Read MoreAgapé Day Camp is Back for a Second Year!
By Angel Owens St. John’s is hosting Agapé Day Camp for the second year in a row. Agapé Day Camp is a free one-day camp for rising first through fifth graders on June 9, from 9 am – 3 pm. Kids can expect a day filled with discipleship and fun. The program is split into…
Read MoreCallie Kirchin: Children’s Ministry Intern
By Susan Shinn Turner Callie Kirchin, a senior at Salisbury High School, spent last fall as a children’s ministry intern. This spring, she’s continued serving as a volunteer on Wednesday afternoons. Callie has served on the LYO (Lutheran Youth Organization) board for the N.C. Synod. After she became a member of that board, she was…
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