Archive for July 2017
Knoxville Trip: Day 4
Blog 1: Today I went to Wesley House and played with kids. The kids were very nice and we had a lot of fun, but the kids were very sad when we left. After I was done with lunch I went to KARM Thrift Store. I was putting things in boxes there to help out.…
Read MoreKnoxville Trip: Day 3
Blog 1: Today I went to the Wesley House and the kids were not there because they went on a field trip for the day so my group and I cleaned. I cleaned the closet with Emily, Mrs. Kristin, Reid, and Kate. Then Emily and I organized a whole bookshelf in 10min! In the afternoon…
Read MoreKnoxville Trip: Day 2
Blog 1: So today I went to serve breakfast at KARM at 6:00, went to Habitat Re-store and Mobile Meals. At KARM I put biscuits and gravy on the resident’s plates. At the habitat re-store we cleaned/packed shelves of Christmas decoration. We got done supper early so our leaders took us to a gas station…
Read MoreKnoxville Trip: Day 1
Blog 1: We went to Ladies of Charity Thrift Store and we sorted out some stuff. We first sorted cranberry juice and put a label on it to help people who bought it. Then we sorted through a lot of diapers and stack toilet paper. After that we made cards for homeless people who sleep…
Read MoreMembers Show How Faith Impacts Long-Term Care
By Susan Shinn Turner If you’re a senior adult and have given any thought to long-term care, the time to plan is now. And let your children know about your plans, too, say St. John’s three members who are longtime nursing facility administrators in our community. Bill Johnson, Mike Menius, and Glenn Terry recently sat…
Read More“State of the Church” Welcomes Big Crowd for Updates and Celebration
Over 250 people attended the latest “State of the Church” dinner event on May 17. The event was catered by Ott Pinkston and his crew of volunteers and gave room for conversation about the ministries of St. John’s. Jonathan Williams presented the new St. John’s Sustainability Plan. Two years in the making, the Plan provides…
Read MoreTrip 2: Guatemala Day 6
Blog 1: Today was such an adventure! We drove about 2 hours through the Guatemalan countryside to hike the still active volcano Pacaya. The hike started off being quite treacherous, but when we finally reached the top the views ended up being very rewarding. My favorite part was looking at the wonderful terrain that God…
Read MoreTrip 2: Guatemala Day 5
Blog 1: Today started out with us taking a trip Cerra De La Cruz, a cross created by Spanish conquistadors. I then went on to play soccer with the younger aged children, all of which still were much better than I was. Later that night, we had a family night, where we ate pizza with…
Read MoreCheerwine Celebration
By Susan Shinn Turner People from all over Rowan County — and all over the country, too — helped the Ritchie family celebrate Cheerwine’s 100th birthday on May 20 in Downtown Salisbury. “We felt very privileged that everybody came out to honor the anniversary of Cheerwine,” says Mark Ritchie, a fourth generation of the Cheerwine…
Read MoreTrip 2: Guatemala Day 4
Blog 1: Today was so much fun! This morning we went to install stoves at a home near Antigua. The woman was very greatful and apprecitave of our work. The operation went smoothly until we had to drill the hole in the rof and didn’t have the right tool so we wernt able to finish the…
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