Holy Land Pilgrimage
By Susan Shinn Turner Over the past decade or so, Michael Connor has visited the Holy Land six times.But in March, he led his largest group yet — 26...

Coming to Salisbury: New Americans Program
Coming to Salisbury: New Americans Program Lutheran Services Carolinas (LSC), working with Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS), has a long, strong history of refugee resettlement. LSC initiated their New...

From Salisbury to Selma
By Roger Hull In 2019, the Conversations That Matter Committee at St. John's Lutheran Church planned and organized a trip for the Salisbury community to Montgomery and Selma Alabama. The...

Updates from Escuela Integrada
On April 18, students at Escuela Integrada de Ninos Trabajadores attended classes in person for the first time in more than 2 years. The excitement was hard to contain! Students...

234 Personal Care Kits Shipped to Ukraine
Throughout Lent, members of St. John’s contributed items for Personal Care Kits to be sent to Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing the war. A total of 234 kits were assembled...

A Gift with a Story: 12 Stone Art
By Angel Owens We all have love languages– how we best recognize and receive love and how we most naturally share love. Mine is NOT gift giving. I love giving...

2021-2022 Rwanda Ministry Update
St. John’s has a rich tradition of outreach to brothers and sisters in need near and far. St. John’s global ministry partners include Dar al Kalima University and Bright Stars...
The Pastor's Blog

Calling a New Pastor
Thank you to Joe Sims for sharing this beautiful photo, taken from inside Bell Tower Green. The new park in downtown Salisbury — directly across the...

Connected by an Invisible String
Sisters and Brothers, As I reflect on the last three and a half years that I have spent with you, I am so incredibly grateful. St. John’s and Salisbury will...