Flu Shot Clinic

200 West Innes St., Salisbury, NC, United States

St. John's Health Care Ministry Team is hosting a flu and Covid shot clinic, Oct. 7, 3:30-6:30 pm in the lower level of the Faith Center. Most major health insurances are accepted, including Medicaid and Medicare. Drive through options are available for those unable to come inside. Flu shots - bring an insurance card.  Starting…

Annual Meeting

200 West Innes St., Salisbury, NC, United States

Our Annual Congregational Meeting is November 14, 10:30 am in the Faith Center. You may attend in –person or via Zoom. At this meeting, we will: Vote on constitutional changes Vote to elect new members to the Congregation Council Hear reports from the Benevolent Foundation Return 2022 pledges https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89663732883?pwd=OWhYOEtOQ0w5UWdlekViSk5GeXNoUT09 Meeting ID: 896 6373 2883 Passcode:…

Called Congregational Meeting

St. John's Lutheran Church, Sanctuary , United States

Called Congregational Meeting is scheduled for January 23 at 10:30 am in the Faith Center and zoom to vote on the 2022 budget and pastoral call committee proposal. Topic: Congregational Meeting Time: Jan 23, 2022 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81196094393?pwd=Sk5xS2MrL2dTSjlCaXY3d01WekhIdz09 Meeting ID: 811 9609 4393 Passcode: 069423 One tap…

275 Kick-Off

Faith Center 200 West Innes St., Salisbury, NC, United States

Join the congregation for an evening of German music, hors d'oeuvres, and a special talk presented by Dr. Gary Freeze discussing our German heritage. RSVP by March 2

Flower Arranging Workshop

The Pit 200 West Innes St., Salisbury, NC, United States

Flower Arranging Workshop—Apr 2 at 10 am in the Pit. Do you like seeing flowers on the St. John’s altar? Join us as Clyde teaches us how to make beautiful arrangements using common garden greens and seasonal flowers. Please bring floral snips (scissors or garden shears) and your own container to arrange your flowers in.…