Global Ministries

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples."

- 1 Chronicles 16:24

St John’s responds to our call to go into the all the world by partnering in life-giving ways with missionaries in South Sudan, Guatemala, and Bethlehem.

South Sudan


South Sudan

“From education comes wisdom, and from wisdom, peace.”

-- James Lubo Mijak, former Lost Boy and Project Manager, Raising South Sudan Collaborative

The new nation of South Sudan continues to struggle with famine, tribal unrest, and limited educational opportunities. Many of the people in South Sudan say they crave spiritual renewal in order to overcome the many challenges they face on a daily basis.

Founded at St. John’s, Sudan Rowan is an ecumenical coalition that joins hands with South Sudanese partners in efforts to achieve peace and education. In 2010, Sudan Rowan began a project called “Raising South Sudan” in collaboration with former Lost Boys of Sudan and Charlotte-based, nonprofit Mothering Across Continents.

Together, we serve communities in Ruweng State, South Sudan, an area greatly affected by years of civil war between what is today the country of Sudan to the north and the independent country of South Sudan, by walking alongside the communities and leadership to help provide education.




In Guatemala, minimum wage is $350 a month. However, 70% of the workforce in Guatemala is informal and therefore do not receive even minimum wage. Adequate education for many, is a gift, not a right.

Guatemalan Relief Assistance for Children's Educational Services (GRACES) serves over 200 children in Guatemala by funding local educational programs, primarily a school- Escuela Integrada de Niños Trabajadores. GRACES mission is to provide holistic education opportunities through physical, emotional and spiritual support for children living in extreme poverty in Guatemala.

We partner through academic scholarships, providing clothing and supplies and work trips to share the love of Christ. Check out more at




“Our aim is that our people, who admire stars, will dare to look up and dream, to believe in goals to strive for, and develop a new sense of hope, community, beauty and faith.”

--Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb, President, Bright Stars of Bethlehem

The goal of Bright Stars of Bethlehem is to facilitate hope in the lives of Palestinian people. Christmas Lutheran Church, one of the few Christian churches remaining in Behtlehem, seeks to share the Good News with the surrounding Palestinian population.

In September 2019, St. John's and Christmas Lutheran Church of Bethlehem signed a covenant formalizing the partnership between the two congregations.

Bright Stars of Bethlehem is dedicated to educate the next generation of creative leaders in Palestine. Dar al-Kalima, the only Lutheran school and University in the Middle East, promotes creative thinking and hope, and provides a space to explore the issues of vocation and peace.

In 2023 (delayed due to COVID), St. John's is planning a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Journey into the stories of our faith, walking where Jesus walked, boating along the Sea of Galilee, quietly sitting where crowds listened to Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. You'll also have the opportunity to form relationships through our partnerships with Christmas Lutheran Church and Dar al- Kalima.

Digital Resources:

Mike and BJ Connor: Community with Living Stones Blog

Women Behind the Wall Podcast

Palestinian Christian Challenges on Immigration-Munther Isaac

Bright Stars of Bethlehem

Dar al-Kalima Schools

Christian Emigration and Palestine

The Other Side of the Wall: A Palestinian Christian Narrative of Lament and Hope

An Open Letter to U.S. Christians from a Palestinian Pastor

ELCA Global Missions


ELCA Global Missions

The ELCA is called to walk alongside our companions to grow the church and do God’s work of restoring and reconciling communities.

Thanks to your generosity, the ELCA funds missionaries and projects in more than 90 countries.

MUTUALITY: A commitment to relationships in which we receive one another’s gifts and expertise.
INCLUSIVITY: A commitment to relationships that address exclusion in communities.
VULNERABILITY: A commitment to relationships that are open to Christ’s transformation and reconciliation.
EMPOWERMENT: A commitment to relationships in which we build one another’s strengths and capacity for
God’s mission.
SUSTAINABILITY: A commitment to relationships of accountability that steward God’s given gifts for the
present and future.

Learn more at