A “Service of Lessons and Carols” will be offered at the 11 am worship service on Sunday, Dec. 15. This traditional service tells the prophecy and birth of Jesus Christ as it unfolds in scripture, carols, anthems and special readings. Carols and anthems will be led by the Chancel Choir, St. John’s Men’s Chorus, St. John’s Women’s Ensemble, soloists and Instrumental Ensemble. The music of Handel, Forrest, Rutter and others composers will be featured. Choirs are directed by Rob Durocher with Rosemary Kinard, Associate Parish Musician, and Deanna Boksleitner accompanying and Jason Harwood directing the Men’s Chorus, accompanied by Janie Rollins. Pastor Rhodes Woolly, Pastor Laura Henrik, and readers will lead us through the glorious story of Christ’s birth! There will be no 8:30 Chapel service on this day. 9:27 Worship will meet.
December 15, 2019 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Sanctuary