Ashe County Frescoes Day Trip – August 16, 2022
Let’s get a break from the heat of the summer with a day trip to a higher elevation (North Carolina Mountains) on August 16, 2022.This outing will include:
- Frescoes of three churches, St. Mary’s, Holy Trinity, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Churches are nearby in West Jefferson, Glendale Springs, and Wilkesboro, NC, respectively.
- Visit to Ashe County Cheese and other downtown shops in West Jefferson.
- If enough interest, we can make this an overnight trip.
- There is no charge to see the frescoes. The churches just ask for donations, so cost will be limited to donations + your meals and purchases, unless we stay overnight.
- Transportation via 15 or 7 passenger van based on sign ups
Event Registration
Senior Seasons - Frescoes RSVP
Sign up here for the Senior Seasons Day Trip to the Frescoes on Aug. 16!