Ritual can be a powerful bridge between the present and the eternal. Worship embraces all kinds of rituals, including the following time-honored one on All Saints, the day we remember those in faith who have gone before us.
“Present.” During the All Saints Litany, names will be read of those St John’s members who have died since last All Saints Day. As each name is read, the congregation whispers “present.” The tradition dates to Nicaragua in the 1980s when the political revolution led to the deaths of many Christians. In worship the names of the dead would be voiced and the congregation would say with one voice, “present.” The statement was a way for these grieving Christians to say that their loved ones were still present with them.
Indeed, this Sunday as we whisper “present” we proclaim the reality of the Communion of Saints.
Join us for All Saints Sunday, Nov. 6, in the Faith Center at 9:27 am, Sanctuary and online at 11 am.