A Vision for Racial Healing

At St. John’s, we believe the church is a place for conversations that matter. A place where we’re willing to be a part of open, sometimes difficult, conversations, approached in genuine love.

Learn more about racial reconciliation through books, movies, documentaries, TED talks and other educational resources. This is a suggested reading/viewing list; by no means is it intended to be a comprehensive list.




Racial Equity Training, delivered by Deconstructing Racism from Charlotte, is designed to build the capacity of leaders to understand and positively impact racial inequities and disparities in our community.

This two-day workshop will help participants better understand racism in its institutional and structural forms. Moving away from a focus on personal bigotry and bias, this workshop presents a historical, cultural, and structural analysis of racism, helping all of us to find a more common and authentic narrative about race in Rowan County and the United States.

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