234 Personal Care Kits Shipped to Ukraine
Throughout Lent, members of St. John’s contributed items for Personal Care Kits to be sent to Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing the war. A total of 234 kits were assembled and shipped through Lutheran World Relief, in partnership with Lutheran congregations throughout the country.
Below is a thank you note from LWR.
Dear friends,
My name is Emma Wagner, and I serve on the congregational engagement team at Lutheran World Relief. Thank you so much for preparing 234 Personal Care Kits and your congregation’s donation of $16,000 to our relief effort in Ukraine.
It is my deep joy and privilege to connect Lutheran congregations with our neighbors around the world. Our work together has never been as important as it is now.
As you proclaim the good news of Jesus this Easter season, I give thanks for the many ways that you and St. John’s are sharing the hope of Jesus. As war continues to rage in Ukraine, and the ripple effects are felt around the globe, we all need glimpses of that hope.
Because of your love, Lutheran World Relief has committed nearly $10 million to respond to the crisis in Ukraine, and we expect to increase this amount as we receive additional support. With more than 6.6 million Ukrainian refugees, the needs grow daily.
Here are a few key highlights about our work in Ukraine:
- We are supporting health facilities by providing supplies such as surgical and wound care kits, IV kits, defibrillators and stretchers.
- We are also providing ongoing support to six facilities that are being used to shelter internally displaced persons.
- Your love will provide nearly 60,000 nights of shelter for people who need a place to stay.
- In Poland, we are distributing emergency cash and vouchers to more than 1,300 refugee families for the next three months.
- We’re also integrating a referral system at these sites to protect women and children from sexual exploitation and abuse.
None of this would be possible without your generous care and support. Throughout the year you can find updates about our work at lwr.org/congregations. Thank you for all the ways you are caring for God’s people.
In gratitude,
Emma Wagner
Lutheran World Relief
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