Our Chrismon Ministry: Remembering Barbara Rufty
By Susan Shinn Turner
Of course December was the busiest time of the year for Barbara Rufty.
Rufty, who worked at Rufty’s Chrismons beginning in the 1990s, was an icon of the business, and left the shop just two years ago. She died Aug. 20 at age 91.
She’ll be remembered for her unwavering support of her family of five children, nine grandchildren and four great-grandchildren, her holiday mints, her pound cakes she brought to work about every day. But her greatest legacy just might be found in her chrismon designs.
As the years went by, Rufty got to know her customers from all over the country — mostly women — by phone.
“They told her their life history over the phone,” Melonie Beaver, her daughter and co-worker, said in August. “She helped them through their problems as well as any help with the chrismons.”
One of her many customers said, “The chrismons are how Barbara showed her love for her Lord and Savior.”
So when you see chrismons around campus this Christmas season, give thanks for the woman who played such an integral role in their creation.
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