The Ninth Inning
Dear friends,
Thirteen months ago, I was sitting in the stands at a spring training baseball game in Florida, oblivious of what was about to happen. From baseball to being in church, things slowed way down.
Likewise, during the first months of 2020, we were just beginning our G2G phase 2 Campaign to renovate our facilities … until COVID slowed things way down. Well, friends, it’s time to start things up again!
A short history of our facilities. St. John’s began with German settlers meeting in homes as early as 1747. Our first structure on North Lee Street was built in 1768. The structure lasted until the early 1800s when we joined with Episcopalians and built a new church on the same site. Then we moved to a larger worship space at North Main and Liberty streets in 1857. On Jan. 2, 1927, we relocated to our current site and built this beautiful sanctuary. In 1967, an education building and chapel were dedicated. A Memorial Garden and Columbarium were added in 1997, and the Child Development Center was completed in 1999. In April 2012, we dedicated the Community Ministry Center and on Sept. 12, 2015 we dedicated the Faith Center.
Sharon remembers the first time she came to St. John’s. It was for a community-wide Relay for Life team meeting in our basement fellowship hall. Later on, when we first attended a service in the main Sanctuary, we were mesmerized by the beauty of that holy space.
Such beauty doesn’t come by accident, but through the dedicated commitment of members past, present, and future. There is no doubt our members have been good stewards and caring members of St. John’s. Without their great leadership, planning, and follow through, we would not be the church we are today. I want to thank them — and that includes many of you — for that leadership.
As we step into the future, Sharon and I are very much aware that the same kind of responsibility is now entrusted to us — to be good stewards of resources God has entrusted to us. That’s why it’s so important to embark on the renovation of this nearly 100 year old sanctuary building.
From a simple log structure in 1768, this 274 year old parish has come a very long way. Throughout — including our newest venture, the CDC Outdoor Learning Environment — St. John’s has proven to be a faithful partner to our community and the mission God has entrusted to us. What a great place to be.
We are now in the ninth inning of completing our G2G Campaign. We can do this, I know it. From generation to generation, we’ve proven to be faithful stewards of our mission and the facilities that serve that mission. Sharon and I are eager to continue in that legacy. We hope you’ll join us.
Mike Edwards
President, Congregation Council
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