Simply Christmas: Youth to receive Chrismons on Dec. 22 at drive-through event

2018 Lessons and Carols—The Chrismon team passed out Chrismons to our children and youth.
By Susan Shinn Turner
Children and youth at St. John’s will celebrate a simple Christmas this year.
Simply Christmas and Chrismons is set for 5:30 to 7:30 pm Tuesday, Dec. 22. Families can enter the campus through the Jackson Street entrance to receive a fun bag, then drive around to the upper level to receive their Chrismons from the Chrismon Ministry Team.
Stacey Shafer, children’s minister, is assembling about 100 bags, which will include supplies to make a birthday cake for Jesus.
“‘Simply Christmas’ is the theme for our Kingdom Kids during December,” Stacey says. Thrivent Financial grants have helped Stacey purchase supplies for the event.
In addition to the fun bags and Chrismons, families will receive chocolate milk and cookies along the way. Several staff members will assist with the event as well as the Chrismon ladies, Stacey says. “This will be a fun way for us to give back.”
Stacey says she would like to thank Thrivent for the Action Team grants.
She encourages all St. John’s families with children ages birth to high school seniors to come to the event. “I really want this to be a success and have as many families come as we can.”
Stacey sends out a weekly newsletter to families, and says they may pick up their packages later if they can’t be there that evening. “It always works out.”
Carol Hair and her Chrismon Team are working to finish 200 Chrismons for the event. Whatever Chrismons are left go to homebound members the next year. The ladies are meeting on Wednesday afternoons, and have plenty of room to social distance and use their own tools. She and her team are thrilled that the Chrismon tree is up in the Sanctuary.
For this year, Carol has adapted a pattern from a Rufty ornament, which is under wraps until it is distributed. It’s always fun to see how the kids like it each year, she says. “We keep the kids in suspense.”
Carol says that making Chrismons has become an addictive hobby. “We probably get more out of our fellowship and the satisfaction of making a Chrismon than the children do in receiving them. It is absolutely a win-win situation.”
She makes Chrismons at church and at home, she says. “I try to make two a night. I’m an overachiever!”
Families with children are also invited to enjoy a Christmas Eve Bedtime story with Pastor Laura and Stacey, Thursday, Dec.24 at 6:30 pm on our website, YouTube channel, and Facebook page!
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