Sunday Visits: The Lamperts and the Youngs
By Colleen Young
Every Sunday, our boys, my husband, and I anxiously await our weekly visit with Mack and Meetta Lampert.
Our connection with the Lamperts blossomed over the years. We always sat near each other at church and our boys gradually gravitated to their warm, welcoming personalities. We continued to speak with them Sunday after Sunday until all of a sudden, we just started to feel like family.
Our boys began to bounce into church hoping to be the first one to get a view and a hug from them. Before social distancing, we sat quietly tucked away in our corner of the church knowing we were close to each other. Many Sundays, Elijah would grab Mrs. Lampert’s hand and ask her to escort him to communion, oftentimes, spending the remainder of church tucked into her lap.
Mack and Meetta have become a part of our family and we miss seeing them dearly. So, like most these days, we have emailed and zoomed with each other. We’ve set up zoom meetings at 12 pm, right after church service. We pretend we are visiting and catching up like any other Sunday.
We long for the days we can be together again in church, but for now we will stay connected the best way possible. We take comfort in our church family during these uncertain times and we pray for comfort, safety, and peace for all.
Be of Good Courage.
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