Bethlehem Prayer Service Simulcast Dec. 21 at 9 am
By Susan Shinn Turner
The St. John’s Palestine Ministry continues to expand, says Mike Connor, who leads that ministry. “There are serendipitous parts of this ministry to make it grow and change organically.”
A longtime piece of the ministry is the Christmas simulcast between Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem and the National Cathedral in Washington, DC. This is the seventh year that St. John’s will host the simulcast. It’s set for 9 am Dec. 21 in the Faith Center with the service beginning at 9:30 am.
“We have the experience of worship and praying together,” Mike says. “We have a rich experience with our partners in these services.”
Pastor Munther Isaac of Christmas Lutheran preached at St. John’s in September, and now St. John’s members will be able to experience worship with his congregation during the simulcast.
Advent Devotionals. Additionally, the two congregations are partnering to write this year’s Advent devotions.
“So this is all a continuum of sharing experiences and the community worship of the simulcast,” Mike says. “It broadens the idea of the faith community.”
The simulcast will be shown at locations all over the world, and you can also watch from home via the National Cathedral website, Mike points out. “The potential for viewership is mind-boggling.”
Mike and his wife, B.J., will continue to build the relationship with Pastor Munther and other members of Christmas Lutheran when they leave Dec. 31 for three months of volunteer work in Jerusalem.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Members of St. John’s will have the opportunity to visit in person, March 1-11, 2021 in St. John’s Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. A second interest meeting will be held on Dec. 10 at 6:30 pm in room 218. Additional registration information can be found in the church office.
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