Get ready for a ‘Wild and Amazing’ VBS!
Wherever you lead me, I’m gonna follow
I’m trusting you, God, you are good!
Life will get crazy, wild and amazing,
I’m trusting you, God, you are good!
By Susan Shinn Turner
Are you ready for a wild adventure this summer? Then send your kids to Roar! VBS, where Life is Wild and God is Good.
This “mane” event is set for June 17-21 for 3-year-olds through rising fifth-graders. Each day from 9 am until noon, children will meet a different jungle animal who will share the day’s key Bible verse. Children will explore the Old Testament story of the Israelites in the wilderness, and learn about Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Children will rotate through stations featuring games, videos, music and movement, science and art, Bible stories, and, everyone’s favorite: snacks!
Stacey Shafer will be leading VBS for the first time since becoming children’s minister in September.
“This year, we will be having more games, and our snacks are themed to go with the Bible story of the day,” Stacey says.
As always, the children will gather as a large group at the beginning and end of each day. In between, they’ll break into “crews” led by adults and middle school or high school volunteers.
Stacey says that St. John’s VBS averages more than 250 children each year since moving into the Faith Center in 2015 — the very first event there — and has a long track record of success with the Group VBS kits.
“It gets Bible stories across in a fun way,” Stacey says. “My two older children still talk about the snacks. You can make them at home, too. And they always love the songs.”
Parents should definitely be prepared to hear the songs all summer long.
It also takes about 40 volunteers to staff VBS.
“My goal is to have two people in charge of each crew of kids,” Stacey says. “Teamwork is a great thing at VBS.”
There are places for helpers with the crews, with music and dance, with snacks, crafts, and Bible stories. If you’d like to serve, please contact Stacey in the church office.
“If you love Jesus and love kids, we want you!”
“I want good energy with all the children’s programming,” Stacey says. “I want people to be excited about working with the kids, and make it a fun experience for everybody.”
So grab your safari gear, and we’ll see you in June!
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