Youth Sponsor Angel Tree Project
It’s about that time of year when we begin our Angel Tree Project. Each year, St. John’s faith community sponsors families to experience the love of God and joy of Christmas through our Angel Tree Project, in partnership with the Salvation Army.
We want you to partner with us in this endeavor! Here’s how it works and how you can get involved:
Select an Angel and Buy a Gift — We will have trees in the narthexes of our three worship spaces on Dec 2. You can pick out a tag with a child’s name and gift suggestions for that child from the tree. You can buy gifts and bring them back to the church by Dec. 9. Please provide UNWRAPPED gifts of NEW clothing, shoes, and toys. When you bring the gift back, please tape the tag on the outside of the gifts you bought for your angel.
If you have questions, please contact Kai Thurow at or 704-636-3431 ext. 204
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