When the Need is There Get to Know our Durable Equipment Check out System

By Gerrie Blackwelder

Remember this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. – 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Thanks to new member, Lynn Denker, the Durable Medical Equipment donated to St. John’s is cleaned, cleared for appropriately working parts, and ready for St. John’s members to check out and use for rehabilitation and recovery following a medical procedure or accident.

Lynn has sorted, organized, rehabbed, and cleaned the donated items. In addition, she has completed the arduous task of developing a spread sheet so record keeping is quick and checking items in and out is easily managed. It is just like checking a book out and returning it at the library!

If you or a family member has need of equipment, we have quite a few pieces in storage in the main Sanctuary Building. In gathering the DME’s, the Community Care Clinic was a heavy donor, as well as many individuals who no longer need items they had purchased while convalescing. Carolyn Byrd, Chair of Health Care Ministry, thought it a great idea to share the wealth of such items among our parishioners. Saving money is a respected stewardship taught in the Bible, and the HCM is happy to assist in that endeavor.

As a technical point, DME means Durable Medical Equipment, and durable is a key concept. The term durable suggests the equipment is reusable, modern and/or up-to-date, sturdy, fully functional, and able to be cleaned to medical specifications.

All pieces of DME are used to assist in recovery and rehabilitation. There are a plethora of needs for DME’s, but the important thing is that each piece is necessary to the goal of maintaining good health, a subject close to the hearts of HCM members. The group cannot accept disposable supplies of any type, only equipment.

Currently in stock are crutches (aluminum), walkers, rollators (walkers with wheels and pouches and brakes), bedside commodes, shower chairs and benches, and wheelchairs. Some of these items are available in extra large, extra tall, or extra wide.

Lynn and her husband, John, spent some time using Clorox solution to clean each piece of equipment.

If you check out an item, please wipe it down prior to returning it. If you are donating items, please check for bent, broken, or dirty pieces before delivery to our church.

Lynn will further disinfect each item and check for wear and tear. We want our Church family to be safe, healthy and enjoy a full recovery without fear of spreading unnecessary germs or becoming injured on less than fully functioning pieces of equipment.

To contact Lynn about a need in your family, email her at ladenker62@gmail.com.


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