Knoxville Day 2
So my favorite thing today was probably being able to help the growers at Beardsley Farm grow food to give to people that need food. So another high of my day, after we were done picking weeds at Beardsley Farm was throwing a baby potato around playing catch with it. For my second service project we went to a nursing home called Guy B. Love where we served food to elderly folks. We got to meet a lot of interesting people. There was a guy who had moved over 60 times. It was crazy. We also danced with them and listened to music and that was really fun. We went to the World’s Fair park today and I ran through the splash pad there. So, I saw God today at Beardsley Farm because they were providing food for homeless shelters and food pantries. Otherwise, those people wouldn’t be able to eat. And that’s how I saw God through their selflessness.
– Faye Shellhorn
My first service project today was Mobile Meals which is the same thing as Meals on Wheels. We delivered food to people who couldn’t get to their car or out of their house. My second service site was to Serene Manor which is a nursing home. We visited them in their rooms because none of them wanted to play games and it was a little awkward, but I think they liked our visit. My favorite thing I did today was laughing so hard at dinner that my stomach hurt afterward and never let me try to drink water while laughing. I saw God today at the nursing home when a guy told us that we were really blessed to be able to visit them and that it made a big difference to them. They were really grateful that we came and made lunch for them and talked to them.
– Lucy Burks
My first service project today was Project Live. We did different things, but what I did was clipped branches and cleaned up the backyard of a person who couldn’t do it themselves because their back was hurt. Later, I went to KARM Thrift and we sorted through a bunch of cardboard boxes of clothes that we sorted through and put them on tables. The clothes that were okay were put in a baler. The bale of clothes would be shipped to other places. My favorite part of the day was going through the clothes at KARM Thrift and seeing a lot of weird clothes. Today, I saw God in everyone at WOW who went to different mission sites to help other people.
– Alex Hedenskog
My first service project was at the farm. It was fun because I pulled weeds and I won the competition to see who could pull the most weeds. My second project was going to Serene Manor where we had an inside cookout and I talked to a lot of people. They were very interesting. One of them was from Africa and she had her 90th birthday and it was African themed and they had African music and it was cool. My favorite part of the day was going to Serene Manor and seeing all the lovely faces of the people there. I saw God in this guy I met who was very interesting. He talked about his childhood and how he struggled and how he turned his life around.
– Sascha Medina
So today I went to Mobile Meals and basically it’s this company that delivers food to people who can’t get out of their house or not able to get food. So we delivered hot meals to people. The people smiled a lot and we got to see some cool houses. My second service project was watching a movie with VMC at the church. We set up and made popcorn and lemonade and the chairs for homeless people in the community to get out of the heat. Only 4 people came, but we had a good time. My favorite part of the day was going outside to World’s Fair Park where we played games, and went up the Gold Ball Tower. I saw God at one of the mobile meals when we went to a lady’s house and she was so happy to see us that she gave us smiles and hugs and also when we went into a lady’s house and she was alone at first when we got there, and as we were leaving a relative came in the house and you could see how much he cared for the lady there.
-Sam Medina
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