GIFT Celebrates Katie Luther
By Susan Shinn Turner
More than 50 women who attended the GIFT gathering Aug. 30 at Cauble Creek Vineyard got to meet a very special guest— Katie Luther.
Katie was portrayed by Leigh Pittman of Greensboro, who has performed at other area churches and events celebrating women of the Reformation. Bif and Anita Yost, owners of the vineyard and new members of St. John’s, hosted the occasion in their event center. The vineyard was established in 2006 as North Carolina’s 100th vineyard.
“We were really excited about the strong turnout,” said Lauren Stephenson, GIFT ministry coordinator. “It was a good evening to hang out and connect on a purely social level. We also learned a lot we didn’t know about Katie Luther.”
“It just goes to show you that behind every good man is a good woman!” Lynn Wisecarver said. “The evening served to portray Katie Luther in a way that made her seem well. Martin chose well when he married her.”
“I loved it!” Hannah Addair said. “I just love the community that our Lutheran ladies have together, and the fun we had in seeing Katie Luther’s awesome life and dedication to her husband and her faith.”
“I thought the presentation was fantastic,” Pansy Peeler said. “The information on Katie Luther was on point. The setting was great, and I’m a real fan of Cauble Creek. The whole evening was very enjoyable.”
Marsha Tucker brought a contingent of women from Wittenburg Lutheran, her home church, including her mom, Phyllis Tucker.
“They loved it,” Marsha said. “They’re still talking about it. I went to homecoming Sept. 10 and that was the first thing they mentioned. I just think it’s important for women in the community to be together.”
Watch the bulletins and faith+life emails for upcoming GIFT events.
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