Knoxville Trip: Day 2
Blog 1:
So today I went to serve breakfast at KARM at 6:00, went to Habitat Re-store and Mobile Meals. At KARM I put biscuits and gravy on the resident’s plates. At the habitat re-store we cleaned/packed shelves of Christmas decoration. We got done supper early so our leaders took us to a gas station and bought us slushes. When I went to Mobile Meals we had a 29 minute drive to the first house, and we had 11 houses to deliver meals to. At one of the houses there was an elder lady who invited us into her house, we couldn’t stay but she showed us her birthday cards and pictures of her and her son, her birthday was July 18 and she turned 70. She was so loving and thankful for us coming out to deliver her meals and just give her a little bit of company. Today was full of adventures and memories, I am so thankful that I get to be here at WOW this week and see God through the people who we serve and the people who helped make this week possible.
–Grace Shafer
Blog 2:
Today I went to Ladies of Charity and labeled juice and put up food. They were going to give the juice and the food to people that are in need. After a quick lunch break I went to Christenberry Elementary School and I did a lot. First I helped to shine sinks in classrooms. Second I washed windows. Third I weeded weeds outside the school. Then I swept sidewalks. And then I put sticks in a wheelbarrow and dropped them off at the front of the school where the town would come to pick them up. This afternoon we went to a local park. At the park I got soaked on the splash pad and had a lot of fun with my friends. I saw God today at Ladies of Charity while we were putting away food because the people there were really nice!
– Millie Wymbs
Blog 3:
The first thing I did was waking up really early (5:30am) to go help serve breakfast at KARM. There were 5 of us that went. I served the handicapped people food and asked everyone what they wanted in their coffee. Then I went to KARM Thrift warehouse and sorted clothes out of bins and then priced Christmas items. All of these items would eventually go to the store where they would sell them to make money for their ministry. We then went to Guy B. Love Retirement home. We served hotdogs, talked with residents and then we had a big dance party. It was a lof of fun and the whole time at Guy B. Love was my favorite part of the day. When we were at the retirement home there was a lady who turned on music and got all of the WOW kids to dance with her. She was just so happy and it was easy to see God in her smiles!
– Devyn Lasker
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