Trip 2: Guatemala Day 4

Blog 1:

Today was so much fun! This morning we went to install stoves at a home near Antigua. The woman was very greatful and apprecitave of our work. The operation went smoothly until we had to drill the hole in the rof and didn’t have the right tool so we wernt able to finish the stove. We then went back to the school and ate lunch because we mssed the first recess. After lunc we had our second recess and went to the nursing home with the 8th grade. We preformed a dance with them and hung out with the residents. After we left the nursing home we went and played soccer. The kids were so good but I was still able to score two goals. After soccer we went back to the hotel where we had another wonderful dinner. I have seen God in all of the kids with their smiles and bright attitudes. Every day I am here I am finding myself loving this place even more. I love the culture and the people here. I gant wait for tomorrow!

– Spencer Everhart

Blog 2:

So It didn’t really hit me that I was halfway done with my final high school mission trip until we played soccer this afternoon.  I don’t really want to leave Saturday morning because Escuela Integrada feels like a second home. Today was fun, we spent today at the nursing home with the 8th grade class, installing stoves, and playing soccer. My group and I installed our second stove today in the home of Ludy. His family was so sweet and kind to us, they also seemed very excited for the stove.  loved getting to know the 8th grade class and spending another day with the resident of the nursing home. After going to the nursing home we headed straight to soccer. Soccer was great, I had the best team in our mini tournament. I am so exhausted but it the best kind of tired.

– Faith Faller


Blog 3:

Today was hands down the best day yet. Recess with the kids was a blast, as usual. I played tag until my feet hurt but I wouldn’t have it any other way. The nursing home was fun! It was actually our last day there. We had a fiesta. Lots of dancing and smiles. A good way to go out with a bang. After visiting the nursing home, we played soccer! I love soccer and loved playing with the kids. It’s crazy how good some of them are. I got a glimpse of downtown as well, which was beautiful. The architecture in Guatemala is breath taking. I’m sad to be leaving soon but happy to be going home with all these memories. I feel so full of love and new found apprecitaion for life itself. This will be a week I’ll never forget. Adios Guatemala, te amo.

– Quinnlan Watson


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