Wednesday, March 16

Kicking up the dust of the rabbi 

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” 

John 10:10 

Why am I here? What is my role in the world? We all face those questions, and we all live with how we answer them.

Jesus said he came that we have life and have it abundantly. Not that we have the basics of life, but to have abundant life. We have the opportunity to have an abundant life eve-ry day. And we have the opportunity to bring heaven to earth every day by sharing the love of Christ to every person we come into contact with every day.

We live in a broken world. Many countries and regions are at war. Our society is so polarized. The poor and needy are marginalized or demonized. People are hungry. We are in the midst of a national and local mental health crisis. Our education system is terribly stressed. This brokenness does not bode well for our society and for our community.

We as a society focus on scarcity, the glass is half empty, the sky is falling. But we already have enough; we have abun-dance. We have all we need and enough to share.

Few will be called to give their lives for Christ, but everyone is called to share their life for Christ. We can smile at the stranger, say hello to each person we see, volunteer at church and in the community, address community prob-lems, welcome the neighbor, donate, love, care …

We can bring heaven to earth right now and every day. We can not only walk in the dust of the Rabbi, we can kick up the dust of the Rabbi.

Let us pray. Rabbi, Why am I here? What is my role in the world? As I sit here in silence for the next 60 seconds in si-lence, help me to discern how I can serve you. [PLEASE SIT IN SILENCE FOR 60 SECONDS.]. Thank you for the opportunity to live and share an abundant life now and every day. In the name of the Risen Christ. Amen. 

Ted Goins 


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