Wednesday, March 2

Gravitating to God in times of need 

Many people gravitate to God in times of need, and I am no exception. My dad, Frank O. Gebhardt II, died January 2013. I grew up in the church and have always considered myself a Christian, but at the time my dad died I was not regularly attending church or practicing any disciplines of faith.

As I struggled with grief and anger I looked through an old bible in hopes of finding comfort. I was drawn to the book of Psalms, and my eyes quickly connected with the familiar words of Psalm 22:

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Why are you so far from helping me, from the words of my groaning? O my God, I cry by day, but you do not answer; and by night, but find no rest.” 

These words are well known not because of their place in the Psalms, but because they are some of the last words Jesus spoke before dying on the cross. These words captured my feelings of loneliness and despair. After I said the words over and over, my thoughts shifted from my grief to the sacrifice of our Lord. God gave us a wonderful gift as the Son. He provided us a relatable being to connect to and strive to imitate.

This verse has become an anchor for me as it reminds me that our God is a relevant God. He knows the struggles of the human condition. It reminds me of his overflowing love for us as he chose to walk among us as the great teacher, to suffer and die in human form so that we may be saved by his grace, and to deliver us the peace that death is not the end of our journey.

Almighty Father, thank you for the gift of the Son. You came to us in human form so that we may better understand you and connect with you. As we endure life’s struggles and pain, draw us closer to you and reassure us with your loving presence. As we celebrate life’s blessings, let us remember that all the glory and honor is yours. Amen. 

Cory Gebhardt


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