Wednesday, February 24
The gift of fellowship
Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation of shadow due to change.
James 1:17
James makes it clear that we need to act out our faith. With “time on my hands” these days — children and grandchil-dren grown and self-sufficient — I want to make my days pleasing to God and rewarding to me. I want to look to Him for direction in my life. I don’t always remember that I am not in control. How much easier life is for us if we just re-member that every good gift comes from God.
Some of my greatest gifts have been my mother, who tried to teach me about patience and contentment, and my late husband, who was a wonderful role model for all who knew him. There was Mickey Aull, who loved volunteering in the community and the church, and Virginia Peeler, who loved St. John’s and its people.
Salisbury and St. John’s have been accepting of me and I feel like it is home. What a blessing that is to someone who has moved from city to city for the last 60 years!
The Next Chapter small group has certainly been another gift in my life since my arrival in Salisbury and involvement in St. John’s. When these small groups began three years ago, I wanted to develop a group for women who had lost their husbands, were working through the grieving process and were ready for the next chapter in their lives.
We started with eight ladies and now have 12. I enjoy hosting the group in my home every month. They have their seats here, just like in church! Virginia Peeler was a part of this group, and she was widowed 27 years ago. We have other ladies who have been widows for less than a year.
We share devotions and prayers, followed by lunch and fel-lowship. This has evolved into a group of friends. We enjoy each other’s company at church, Wednesday night meals, concerts and plays. This group is a wonderful example of each member giving of herself. For that, I am grateful.
Dear Lord, as our lives unfold, bless us and our families with faith that is steadfast, and hope that is sure, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Lorna Reasor
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