Final Day in Detroit..
Today in Detroit we had a final worship in Ford Field. The service was one to remember. Bishop Eaton’s sermon was moving and captivating, or at least in my opinion. Near the end we sang a few songs and reveled the location for the next youth gathering in 2018. Later we joined the synod and has a truly Southern meal, fried chicken and mac-n-cheese. Afterwards, we sang a few songs and then finally got on the road. We also received affirmations on the ride to tonight’s hotel. -Caylynn
As you know this is the last youth gathering for the rising senior class and was rather emotional for a few. It was surreal to think back to NOLA 2012, the first youth gathering for us and the first thing we did as high school youth. Detroit was an eye opener, just like New Orleans was, and changed the way we look at these two cities. NOLA was still in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and Detroit is still recovering from the violence, the bankruptcy, and the rapid loss of its population. Two cities overcoming impossibly harsh times, but two cities with enough courage to overcome and Rise Up. -Matt, Jordan, and Cordarious (Uncle Cordy)
This week in Detroit has been such an amazing experience for all of us to get closer to God and each other. As we went into Ford Field this morning, we were prepared for worship. The service this morning was very moving and touching. It was hard to say goodbye to the city that we fell in love with this week. We hope to bring home all the lessons we learned so that we can make a change in our community. We also found out this morning that the next ELCA Youth Gathering will be in Houston, TX. We would like to thank you all for your prayers and support. -Grace Faller, Callie Kirchin, Spencer Everhart, and Harrison Parrott
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