Advent Devotional – December 20

Not what we do but who we are

In Isaiah 42, God promises that through God’s people he “will bring light to the nations.” In John’s gospel, Jesus says: “I am the Light of the world.” In Matthew, Jesus tells his followers: “You are the light of the world.”

Jesus is the light of the world and through Christ, we become light of the world. Do you find that hard to believe? In our lives, we can point to times where we’re not very good sources of his light. We hide our light. We are light of the world? How could this be true?

But we forget that this is not something Christ calls us to do. Light, Christ says, is who we are! It’s a calling and a being we can’t escape. We hope and pray that we’re open and available, especially in places of darkness and hopelessness, so that the light can be seen and darkness overcome.

As light of the world we need our church community, where we hear words of confession and forgiveness; where we admit where and how we’ve fallen short; where we receive God’s forgiveness and love, and are commissioned once again to go and be the light of the world. Each time we gather, we reclaim our call to be the light of the world. As light, we are loved by God in order to love those around us. We can’t help it because the light just cannot be hidden.

So today and in the days and years to come, “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Dear God, remind us that we are your children: called, equipped, and empowered to be the light in the world, loving others as we have been loved. Amen.

by Wayne Nelson



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